Who: Re-l and Slade. When: January 21st. Where: One of Slade's bunkers. Summary: The least ideal situation crops up with the two people who really shouldn't be stuck together for long periods of time. Warnings: Cursing, violence.
Who: proxysearch and mentis_reae When: Monday, January 16th, early evening. Where: Re-l's apartment. Summary: Finally sitting down and talking about everything they've been avoiding. Warnings: None.
Who: The Newcomer Political Party and The Newcomers! When: January 13th, 7:00 PM to Where: The Newcomer Community Center Summary: Time for the Dance! Everyone have fun! Warnings: Anything is possible!
Who: proxysearch, he_is_wild, and terminates When: Monday, January 9th, 2012. Where: Re-l's old apartment in Sector 4. Summary: A clown and an assassin are having lobster in her old apartment. Her reaction should be pretty obvious. Warnings: None. Will update if necessary.
Who: Livio and Re-l. When: January 5th, 2012. Where: Re-l's apartment. Summary: The two talk about their respective snow globes and the similarities of their worlds. Warnings: None.
Who: deservesabone & Open When: 12/3, morning Where: The Newcomer Memorial Center ( information & reference page here) Summary: The Newcomer Memorial Center is now open to the public. Feel free to mingle. Warnings: Please add any warnings to your subject header. -- --
Who: Diego and Re-l When: Christmas Eve, around 4 PM Where: Some ritzy Italian place, then around Summary: Friends of varying levels of loneliness spend a nice Christmas Eve together. Warnings: None that I'm aware of.
Who: ebony_mask and proxysearch. When: December 25th, 2011. Where: Prison. Summary: While Re-l is keeping an eye on the visitation of a child to her father, she asks some much-needed questions of a certain serial killer. Warnings: Descriptions of violence and torture possible, but nothing else.
Who: The Newcomer sect of the SPPD. When: Tuesday, December 20th, early afternoon. Where: Marrakesh, a Moroccan restaurant. Summary: Christmas party with 8 courses. Warnings: None. Possible cursing, but that's it.